no sun, no moon

for bass flute and electronic (Fixed Media, Stereo)

    SCORE (excerpt)


no sun, no moon immerses into another world: a world without reference points, where everything which looks like real it’s not necessarily… This world reflects ours, but with a different sense, other logic. It follows a course which we can not foresee. We will hardly realize that the world is changing around us and growing strange. Reality is considered by two different points of view, and we do not know which is the real and which is not.

In no sun, no moon, the bass flute and the electronics are the two worlds, reality and parallel reality, the two sides of the mirror. Both are the same thing and simultaneously its opposite, interacting and reacting one another.

The player will be conditioned, influenced and guided by the electronics. The electronics was/will be also influenced by the player: in the composition of the work and by the perception of the audience in the concert. Both ways are intertwined.

The raw materials for the electronics consist exclusively of bass flute samples. These samples have been shaped and spatialized using different software (AudioSculpt / Ableton Live / RTGS / MaxMSP / ProTools) and assembled in ProTools.

This work received in 2014 an Honorary Mention at the Concours International de Composition de Musique Electroacoustique de Monaco (CICEM).


WOCMAT 2015 (International Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology 2015)

National Chiao Tung University in Hsinchu, Taiwan 27 November 2015

Cheng-Yu Wu – bass flute


NYCEMF – New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2015 – NY, USA 25 June 2015

Gianni Trovalusci – bass flute